MCA had issued General Circular No. 33/2011 dated 01.06.2011 wherein it was informed that in order to ensure corporate governance and proper compliances of provisions of Companies Act, 1956, no request, whether oral or in writing or through e-forms, for recording any event based information / changes shall be accepted by the Registrar of Companies from such defaulting companies, unless they file their updated Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts and Annual Return with the Registrar of Companies.
However, in the interest of stakeholders certain event based information /changes were being accepted by the Registrar from such defaulting companies. Now, on the requests received from various quarters of the corporates & professionals, following forms will also be accepted by the Registrar.
(a) Filing by Directors of defaulting Companies in respect of such companies:-
Form 2, Form 3, Form 5, Form 23 and Form 61
(b) Filing by Directors of defaulting Companies in respect of Companies having the status of Dormant Companies.
Form 61, DIN-3, Form 32,
Form 21 and Form FTE(c) Filing by Directors of defaulting Companies in respect of Companies having the status as active in progress companies
DIN-3, Form 32,
Form 2, Form 3, Form 5, Form 21, Form 23, Form 61, Form 23AC, Form 23ACA, Form 20B, Form 21A, Form 66, Form 23 B, Form FTEThis Circular shall be effective from 18th Sept, 2011.