Tuesday, 4 September 2012

MCA has extended the date for filing Forms 23AC & 23ACA for Non-XBRL Companies for the year commencing on or after 1st April, 2011 from 15.09.2012 to 15.10.2012 without any additional fees or penalty as the new forms after revised Sch VI has not been notified by MCA yet. The Circular in this regard can be downloaded from the link below:


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Imposing Fees on Certain E-Forms Filed with ROC, RD OR MCA(HQ) under MCA-21 Where at Present No Fee is Prescribed
The Ministry of  Corporate Affairs has decided to impose a certain amount of fee on the following forms at the rates indicated in table below:-

S.No.Form No.Particulars of the FormFee Applicable
1Form 1 of Investor Education & Protection Fund RuleStatement of amounts credited to Investor Education and Protection FundAs per Schedule X to the Act.
2Form 23B Information by statutory auditor to the Registrar of companies Act, 1956 pursuant to section 224(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 1956As per Schedule X to the Act.
3Form 24AInformation by statutory auditor to the Registrar of companies Act, 1956 pursuant to section 224(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 1956.As per Companies (Fee onApplication) Rules,1999
4Form 36Receiver’s or manager’s abstract of receipts and payments (charge related form)As per Schedule X to the Act.
5Form 61Application to RoC-(a) Compounding of Offences u/s 621A
(b) Application for extension of Annual General Meeting upto 3 months u/s 166 of the Act
(c) Application for extension of time for preparation of Annual Accounts upto 18 months u/s 220 of the Act.
(d) Others
a)As per Companies (Fee onApplication) Rules, 1999(b) -Do-
(c) -Do-
(d) -Do-
6Form 62Form for submission of misc.documents under the below mentioned
(a) Form 154 of the companies (Court) Rules, 1959
(b) Form 157 of the companies (Court) Rules, 1959
(c) Form 158 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959
As per Schedule X tothe Act.
7Form 65Application to the Central Govt (HQ)-(a)Application pursuant to rule 2
of the Companies (Application for
Extension of Time or Exemption
under Subsection (8) of Section 58A)
Rules, 1979.
(b) Information and explanation on
reservations and qualification contained in the cost audit report by a company
(a) as per Companies(Fee onApplication)
Rules, 1999
(b) Nil
(c) as per Companies
(Fee on Application)
Rules, 1999
This fee is effective from July 22, 2012. Prior to it  no fee was levied for forms.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Investor Education and Protection Fund (Uploading of information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules, 2012

Investor Education and Protection Fund (Uploading of information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules,2012, has mandated every company to file eForm 5INV containing the information of unclaimed and unpaid amounts as referred to in subsection
(2) of section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956.

This information is required to be filed every year within a period of 90 days after the holding of Annual General Meeting or the date on which it should have been held as per the provisions of section 166 of the Act, and every year thereafter till completion of the seven years’ period.

The information is to be filed in Form 5- INV as per the above mentioned rules; and thereafter an excel sheet containing detailed investor wise details is to be filed separately.

The Notice dt. 18.05.2012 & the Notification notifying the above Rules dt. 10.05.2012 are attached