As per Companies incorporation Rules, 2014 following names which were earlier not allowed to be applied or considered undesired for incorporation of Companies under Companies Act, 2013 are now allowed to be applied vide relaxation given vide Notification No. G.S.R. (E).- dated 22.01.2016. 1) it is not in consonance with the principal objects of the company as set out in the memorandum of association; Provided that every name need not be necessarily indicative of the objects of the company, but when there is some indication of objects in the name, then it shall be in conformity with the objects mentioned in the memorandum; 2) the proposed name is vague or an abbreviated name such as ‘ABC limited’ or ‘23K limited’ or ‘DJMO’ Ltd: abbreviated name based on the name of the promoters will not be allowed. For example:- BMCD Limited representing first alphabet of the name of the promoter like Bharat, Mahesh, Chandan and David: 3) it is intended or likely to produce a misleading impression regarding the scope or scale of its activities which would be beyond the resources at its disposal: 4) If any company has changed its activities which are not reflected in its name, it shall change its name in line with its activities within a period of six months from the change of activities after complying with all the provisions as applicable to change of name. 5) In case the key word used in the name proposed is the name of a person other than the name(s) of the promoters or their close blood relatives, No objection from such other person(s) shall be attached with the application for name. In case the name includes the name of relatives, the proof of relation shall be attached and it shall be mandatory to furnish the significance and proof thereof for use of coined words made out of the name of the promoters or their relatives.
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